Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Buck wild

Last night, out for soju (20%, tastes like rubbing alchohol) and norebang (kareoke, which they love here) with some of the people I'm getting to know here.

En route from the dorm to the ice-house (a bar with ice-cold cupholders embedded in the table for maximum enjoyment of soju or beer).

We met Gandalf on the way, naturally.

Shot glass and my pitcher of cherry soju (which tastes like cough syrup, rather than rubbing alcohol) chillin' in the ice house.

Then, off to the norebang. I was coerced into singing a duet of "A Whole New World," but needed no persuasion to sing Blu Cantrell's "Hit 'Em Up Style."

Today, the rumors are flying. We've been divided into groups to work on and present a lesson plan of our own on Thursday and Friday of this week, and everyone who selected high school as their first choice (myself included) is in the same group. If the word on the street is to be believed, this means that I've been assigned to the high school age group (what we would call 10th-12th grade), though I don't yet have any idea which district of Seoul I will be placed in.

Not much other news to report, as of now. They're keeping me busy and fairly overstimulated (what with 12 hours of lecture per day and all). Love to all. Bed now.

1 comment:

Jane said...