Saturday, 19 December 2009

weekly pop music profile #3

I am lazy today, and busy streaming "Iris," my new favorite Korean drama. But here, watch this video of T-ara, singing "Bo Peep," and tell me they aren't the exact Korean replica of the Pussycat Dolls. And please, pay special attention to the cat-tail (bestiality?) that shows up near the end of the video. (also, @bird_esque can you spot the chest-thrusts?)

This video is super-scandalous for Korea. Granted, the video that gets shown on TV, etc. is the 15+ version (the above is the 19+ version). But frankly, the 15+ version isn't interesting, so I don't care.

And no, even after reading the lyrics and translated lyrics, I have no idea what "Bo Peep" has to do with anything.


Molly said...

Hey, I've heard great things about Korean dramas! A Chinese friend I worked and had classes with kept trying to get me to watch one, Flowers something or something flowers I think. She said that they're full of attractive guys.

I really want to watch that video, but Youtube doesn't seem to get along well with my VPN, always takes forever to load things. Maybe I'll be back in a half hour or something to comment about that. Also, why 15 and 19? Are those significant ages in Korean culture?

Molly said...

I can see how that would be considered scandalous. I'd kind of like to watch the 15+ one so I can compare, but don't really want to wait for it to load. I'm thinking Bo-Peep was picked because of its sound? Not that I understood the rest of what they were saying.

Audra said...

Aren't they also saying "follow me" and isn't Bo Peep a sheep herder? It doesn't really jive with the cat thing, but she easily leads the men in the video around, like they're sheep and she's a shepherd. But then she's also not a human she's a CAT, not even a dog (sheepdog), she's kind of a sheepcat, which is WEIRD.

menstrous said...

@Audra but also, the lyrics don't correspond with the video at all. They're all about how this girl is really into this guy but he thinks she's too clingy and so he becomes distant. "Bo Peep" and "follow me" are totally incongruous with the meaning of the rest of the lyrics.

@Molly I'm not sure about age 15, but age 19 in Korea is really big -- it's when you can marry and vote and drink and smoke and get a driver's license, all in one birthday.

Audra said...

But maybe she's trying to lure him back? With her invisible crook and incongruous cat tail?

Jane said...

Wait, wait, guys, I can't believe no one's written this yet: