Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Today had a lot of joyful things in it:

1. canceled classes = coffee, walnut ice cream, and a stroll around the school with the gossip girls
2. learned that I will share a room with the gossip girls at the teachers' training/hiking retreat in a few weeks. Why can I not stop thinking "sleepover!" ?
3. it started thunderstorming suddenly after lunch, and didn't stop until about 30 minutes before I went home. I had no classes, I stood at the school entrance and watched it.
4. three of my all time favorite students from Robot Electronics caught me on my way home, wanted to know what I thought of Korea's weather. I mean it when I say: what on earth would I do without these silly, diligent students who never stop being happy to see me?

See? Today had a lot of joyful things in it. I'm in the process of trying not to let my continued frustration at my after school class's situation get in the way of these things.

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